Quastler H., Weingarten H., Koennen Fische ihre Riech­schleimhaut regeherieren? (Regeneration of the nasal mucosa in fish), Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Organ., 122, 763—769.
1930 Spiegel E. A., Quastler H., Experimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen Blut-Liquor-Schranke (Influence of X-rays and diathermy on the hemoencephalic barrier, Wien. Med. Wochschr., 81, 1059—1061.
1931 Quastler H., Steigerung der Messgenauigkeit bei Messung kleinster Sichtbarer Grossen mit dem Schraubenmikrometerokular (Increased precision in microscopic measurements), Z. Wiss. Mikroskopie, 49, 195—207.
1936 Quastler H., Ueber den Aggregatzustand der Erythrozyten (The physical state of erythrocytes), Wien. Klin. Wochschr., 49, 244—245.
1937 Hoche 0., Quastler H„ Zur Diagnostik und Therapie abge­kapselter intrapulmonarer Tumoren (Intrapulmonary tumors). Arch. Klin. Chir„ 188, 567—578.
Quastler H., Die Wirkung herdferner Bestrahlungen in der Rontgentherapie tuberkuloser Lymphome (Indirect irradiation in the X-ray therapy of tuberculous lymphomas), ist Congr. Austrian Radiol. Soc., Strahlentherapie, 58, 688—693.
Quastler H., Erfahrungen mit der Niedervolttherapie auf Hautkrebsen (Low voltage therapy of skin cancers), Strahlenthe­rapie, 59, 182—185.
1942 Ch il ko A. J., Quastler H., Delayed metastases in cancer of the breast, Am. J. Surg., 55, 75—82.
Quastler H., Roentgenoscopic localization of foreign bodies, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 48, 107—109.
1943 Quastler H., Depth dose measurements in contact roentgen therapy on a biological test object (rabbit’s skin), Am. J. Roent­genol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 50, 669— 676,
1945 Austin V. T., Quastler H., Idiopathic (?) hypopro- thombinemia, Report of a case, Am. J. Med. Sci., 210, 491—500. Qua stler H., Note on cholecystography with Priodax: Dosage and gastrointestinal effects, Radiology, 45, 190—191.
Quastler H„ Studies on roentgen death in mice. I. Survival time and dosage, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 54, 449—456.
Quastler H., Studies on roentgen death in mice. II. Body weight and sensitivity, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 54, 457—461.
Quastler H., Clark R. K., Biological evaluation of 20 mil­lion volt roentgen rays. I. Acute roentgen death in mice, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 54, 723—727.
1946 Quastler H., The use of the betatron in cancer therapy: A preview, Cancer Res., 6, 483—484 (Abst.).
Vest ling C. S., Kaufman S., Maxwell R. E., Quast­ler H., The oxidation of octaijoate by normal and leucemic mouse liver homogenates, J. Biol. Chem., 165, 385—386.
1947 Chase H. B., Quastler H., Skaggs L. S., Biological eva­luation of 20 million volt roentgen rays. II. Decoloration of hair in mice, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 57, 359—361.
Quastler H„ Remarks about the application of the betatron in cancer therapy, Illinois Med. J., 91, 119—122.
Quastler H., Possibilities of the betatron in cancer therapy, Sci. Education, 31, 9—11.
Quastler H., Clark R. K., Evaluation biologique des rayons-X à 20 millions de volts (mort des souris par des rayons-X penetrants), J. Radiol. Electrol. Med. Nucl., 28, 469— 472.
1948 Adams G. D., Quastler H., et al., Techniques for applica­tion of the betatron to medical therapy, Am. J. Roentgenol. Ra­dium Therapy Nucl. Med., 60, 153—157.
Quastler H., Baer M., Inhibition of plant growth by irra­diation. 1. Discrete steps of growth inhibition and pattern of dose-response-relation, J. Cellular Comp. Physiol., 31, 213—234.
1949 Kirschner L. B., Prosser C. L., Quastler H., Increased metabolic rate in rats after X-irradiation, Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 71, 463—467.
Luce W. M., Quastler H., Skaggs L. S., Biological eva­luation of 20 million volt roentgen rays. III. Recessive sex-linked lethals in Drosophila melanogaster, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 62, 555—558.
Quastler H., The biologic effects of high energy roentgen rays, Intern. Cancer Res. Congr. 4th St. Louis (1947), 6, 825— 830.
Q u a s 11 e r H., Studies on radiation death in mice, Cancer Res., 9, 552.
Q u a s 11 e r H., et al., Techniques for application of the betatron to medical therapy, with report of one case, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 61, 591—625.
Quastler H., Baer M., Inhibition of plant growth by irra­diation. II. Sensitivity and development, J. Cellular Comp. Physiol., 33, 349—363.
Vestling C. S., Williams J. N., Jr., Kaufman S., Maxwell R. E., Quastler H, The oxidation of octanoate by liver homogenates from leucemic mice, Cancer Res., 9, 639— 644.
1950 Luce W. M., Quastler H., L a n z 1 E. F., Biological evalua­tion of 20 million volt roentgen rays. V. Bar effect in Drosophila, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 64, 963—967. Quastler H., Radiotherapy of acne vulgaris: Comparative tests of treatment technics, Radiology, 54, 247—255.
Quastler H., Baer M., Inhibition of plant growth by irra­diation. III. Successive radiation effects; homologous responses, J. Cellular Comp. Physiol., 35, 75—94.
Quastler H., Baer M., Inhibition of plant growth by irradia­tion. V. Radiation effects on initiation and completion of growth, Cancer Res., 10, 604—612.
Quastler H., L a n z 1 E. F., Biological evaluation of 20 mil­lion volt roentgen rays. IV. Efficiency and dosage range, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 63, 566—574. Thomas L. J., Quastler H., Preliminary report of X-ray effects on the nematode Rhabditis strongyloides, Science, 112, 356—357.
1951 Luce W. M., Quastler H., Chase H. B., Reduction in facet number of bar-eyed Drosophila by X-rays, Genetics, 36, 488—499.
Quastler H., Acute intestinal radiation death, Federation Proc., 10, 106 (Abst.).
Quastler H., L a n z 1 E. F„ Keller M. E„ Osborne J. W., Acute intestinal radiation death. Studies on roentgen death in mice, III, Am. J. Physiol., 164, 546—556.
1952 Osborne J. W., Bryan H. S., Quastler H„ Rhoa­des H. E., X-irradiation and bacteremia. Studies on roentgen death in mice, IV, Am. J. Physiol., 170, 414—417.
Quastler H„ Scher tiger A. M., Stewart W. N„ Inhi­bition of plant growth by irradiation. IV Growth arrest vs. effects on mitotic activity, J. Cellular Comp. Physiol., 39, 357— 369.
1953 Austin M. K., Laughlin J. S„ Quastler H., Relative biological effectiveness of 17 Me V electrons, Brit. J. Radiol., 26, 152—153.
Dancoff S. M., Qu as tier H., The information content and error rate of living things. In: Essays on the Use of Information Theory in Biology (H. Quastler, ed.), pp. 263—273, Univ. Illinois Press, Urbana.
Quastler H., The measure of specifity. In: Essays on the Use of Information Theory in Biology (H. Quastler, ed.), pp. 41—71, Univ. Illinois Press, Urbana.
Quastler H., The specificity of elementary biological func­tions. In: Essays on the Use of Theory in Biology (H. Quastler, ed.), pp. 170—188, Univ. Illinois Press, Urbana.
Quastler H., Feedback mechanisms in cellular biology. In: Cybernetics, 9th Conf. (H. von Foerster, ed.), pp. 167—181, Josiah Macy Foundation, New York.
1954 Quastler H., Blank A. A., Notes on the Estimation of In­formation Measures, 36 pp., Report № R-56, Central Systems Laboratory, Univ. Illinois, Urbana.
1955 McGill W. J., Quastler H., Standardized nomenclature: An attempt In: Information Theory in Psychology (H. Quastler, ed.), pp. 83—92, Free Press, Glencoe, 111.
Quastler H., Approximate estimation of information measures. In: Information Theory in Psychology (H. Quastler, ed.),
pp. 124—139, Free Press, Glencoe, 111.
Quastler H., Information theory terms and their test psycho­logical correlates. In: Information Theory in Psychology
(H. Quastler, ed.), pp. 143—171, Free Press, Glencoe, 111.
Rose F. G., Quastler FI., Rose S. M., Regeneration of X-rayed salamander limbs provided with normal epidermis, Science, 122, 1018—1019.
1956 Austin M. K-, Miller M., Quastler H., Five- to eight- day radiation death in mice, Radiation, Res., 5, 303—307.
B o u r g i n R. C., Krumins R., Quastler H., Radiation- induced delay of pupation in Drosophila, Radiation Res., 5, 657—673.
Quastler H., Studies of human channel capacity. In: Infor­mation Theory (C. Cherry, ed.), pp. 361—371, Academic, New York; Butterworths, London.
Quastler H., The nature of intestinal radiation death, Radia­tion Res., 4, 303—320.
Quastler H., A. Primer on Information Theory, 66 pp., Office of Ordinance Research, Ordinance Corps, U. S. Army, Durham, N. C.
Quastler H., Modes of acute radiation death, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 11, 121—124.
Quastler H., Austin M. K., Miller M., Oral radiation death, Radiation Res., 5, 338—353.
1957 Quastler H„ The complexity of biological computers, IRE Trans Electron. Computers, 6, 192—194.
Quastler Н., Labyrinth damage by X-irradiation, Radiation Res., 7, 444 (Abst.).
1958 A n s 1 o w W. P., Jr., Quastler H., et al., The use of mathe­matics in biology; summary of a group discussion. In: Homeo­static Mechanisms, Brookhaven Symp. Biol., 10, 259—262. Hughes W. L., Quastler H., et al., Cellular proliferation in the mouse as revealed by autoradiography with tritiated thymi­dine, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S., 44, 476—483.
Jaroslow N., Quastler H., Antigenic specificity In: Sym­posium on Information Theory in Biology (H. P. Yockey, R. L. Platzman, and H. Quastler, eds.), pp. 211—217, Pergamon, London.
Lewis Y. S., Quastler H., S v i h 1 a G., Ultraviolet micro­scopy of x-irradiated intestine, J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 21, 813—823. Quastler H., A primer on information theory. In: Symposium on Information Theory in Biology (H. P. Yockey, R. L. Platz­man, and H. Quastler, eds.), pp. 3—49, Pergamon, London. Quastler H., The domain of information theory. In: Sympo­sium on Information Theory in Biology (H. P. Yockey, R. L. Platzman, and H. Quastler, eds.), pp. 187—196, Pergamon, London. -
Quastler H., Information theory in radiobiology, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci., 8, 387—400.
Quastler H., Sherman F. G., Brecher G., Cron- kite E. P., Cell renewal, maturation and decay in the gastroin­testinal epithelia of normal and irradiated animals, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 2nd Intern. Conf., Geneva, 22, 202—205. Sherman F. G., Brecher G., Cronkite E. P., Quast­ler H., DNA synthesis, cell duplication and migration in the small intestine of normal and irradiated mice, Federation Proc., 17, 148 (Abst.).
1959 Cronkite E. P., Quastler H., et al., Dynamics of hemopoietic proliferation in man and mice studied by HMhymidine incorpo­ration into DNA. In: Prpgr. Nucl. Energy. Ser. VI, Biol. Sci. (Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Ge­neva, 1958; J. G. Bugher, J. Coursager, and J. F. Loutit, eds.), 2, 92—105, Pergamon, New York.
Quastler H., Storage and actuation of genetic information: the information theory approach, Lab. Invest., 8, 480—494. Quastler H., Information theory of biological integration, Am. Naturalist, 93, 245—254.
Quastler H., Cell renewal and acute radiation damage, Ra­diology, 73, 161—165.
Quastler H., Some aspects of cell population kinetics. In: The Kinetics of Cellular Proliferation (F. Stohlman, ed.), pp. 218—222, Gruñe and Stratton, New York.
Quastler H., The description of steady-state kinetics. In: The Kinetics of Cellular Proliferation (F. Stohlman, ed.), pp. 431— 433, Gruñe and Stratton, New York.
Q u a s 11 e r H., Preface. In: Proc. ist Natl. Biophysics Conf., Columbus, Ohio, 1957 (H. Quastler and H. J. Morowitz, eds.), pp. vi—viii, Yale Univ. Press, New Haven.
Quastler H., Quality of radiation and selectivity of biologi­cal effects. In: Proc. ist Natl. Biophysics Conf., Columbus, Ohio, 1957 (H. Quastler and H. J. Morowitz, eds.), pp. 704—714, Yale Univ. Press. New Haven.
Quastler H„ B e n s t e d J. P. M„ Lanierton L. F„ Simpson S. M., Effects of dose-rate and protraction: A sym­posium. II. Adaptation to continuous irradiation: Observations on the rat intestine, Brit. J. Radiol., 32, 501—512.
Quastler H., Sherman F. G., Cell population kinetics in the intestinal epithelium of the mouse, Exptl. Cell. Res., 17, 420—438.
Quastler H., Zucker M., The hierarchy of modes of radia­tion death in specifically protected mice, Radiation, Res., 10, 402—409.
1960 Cattaneo S. M., Quastler H., Sherman F. G., DNA synthesis in irradiated hair follicles of the mouse, Radiation Res., 12, 587—593.
Hampton J. C., Quastler H., Some observations on ra­diation damage in epithelial cells of the mouse intestine. In: Proc. Intern. Conf. Electron Microscopy, 4th, Berlin, 1958 (W. Bergmann, D. Peters, and C. Wolpers, eds.), 2, 480—484, Springer, Berlin.
L i p k i n M., Alray T. P., Quastler H., Stability of protein in intestinal epithelial cells, J. Clin. Invest., 39, 1007 (Abst). Quastler H., Introduction to symposium on theoretical radio- biology, Am. Naturalist, 94, 57—58.
Quastler H., Radiation effects in vivo: Molecular aspects of mammalian radiobiology. In: Bioenergetics, Radiation Res.,
Suppl., 2, 627—638.
Quastler H., Cell population kinetics, Ann. N. Y. Acad. ScI., 90, 580—591.
Quastler H., Information theory (biological appications). In: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 7, 102—103. Quastler H., Information theory in biology. In: Medical Phy­sics (O. Glasser, ed.), 5, 294—299, Year Book, Chicago. Sherman F. G., Quastler H., DNA synthesis in irradiated intestinal epithelium, Exptl. Cell. Res., 19, 343—360.
Wimber D. E., Quastler H., Stein O. L., W i m- b e r D. R., Analysis of tritium incorporation into individual cells by autoradiography of squash preparations, J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol., 8, 327—331.
1961 Augenstine L., Quastler H., Review of comparative effects of radiation, Am. J. Human Genet., 13 (3), 351. Cattaneo S. M., Quastler H., Sherman F. G., Prolife­rative cycle in the growing hair follicle of the mouse, Nature, 190, 923—924,
D o r n f e s t B. Sv L o B u e J., Gordon A. S., Quasi- ler H., Leukocyte release from perfused isolated femurs of rats, Federation Proc., 20 (I, Pt. I), 71 (Abst.).
Hampton J. C., Quastler H., Combined autoradiography and electron microscopy of thin sections of intestinal epithelial cells of the mouse labeled with HMhymidine, J. Biophys. Bio- chem. Cytol., 10, 140—144.
L i p k i n M., A 1 m y T. P„ Q u a s 11 e r H., Stability of protein in intestinal epithelial cells, Science, 133, 1019—1021.
L i p k i n M., Q u a s 11 e r H., Cell population kinetics in the colon, Federation Proc., 20 (I, Pt. I), 242 (Abst.).
L o B u e J., D o r n f e s t B. S., Gordon A. S., Q u a s 11 e r H., Marrow distribution in the rat femur as determined by Fe5l) labeling, Anat. Record, 139, 313 (Abst.).
Perrotta C. A., Quastler H., Staley N., 1961. Prolife­ration in the vaginal epithelium of the mouse as shown by autoradiography with tritiated thymidine, Anat. Record, 139, 263—264 (Abst.).
Quastler H., Time-dose relations in radiation effects. In: Proc. Conf. Res. Radiotherapy of Cancer, pp. 100—112. Sherman F. G., Quastler H., Wimber D. R., Cell popu­lation kinetics in the ear epidermis of mice, Exptl. Cell Res., 25, 114—119.
W u 1 f f V. J., Quastler H., Sherman F. G., The incorpo­ration of H3-cytidine in mice of different ages, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 95, 548—549.
1962 D o r n f e s t B. S., L o B u e J., Handler E. S., Gor­
don A. S., Quastler H., Mechanisms of leukocyte produc­tion and release. I. Factors influencing leukocyte release from isolated perfused rat femora, Acta Haematol., 28, 42—60. Dornfest B. S., LoBue J., Handler E. S., Gor­
don A. S., Quastler H., Mechanisms of leukocyte production and release. II. Factors influencing leukocyte release from iso­lated perfused rat legs, J. Lab. Clin. Med., 60, 777—787. Kember N., Quastler FI., Wimber D., Adaptation of the rat intestine to continuous irradiation, Brit. J. Radiol., 35, 290. Levy C. K., Quastler H., Acute responses of the vestibular apparatus to x-irradiation. Radiation Res., 16, 189—200.
L i p k i n M., Quastler H., Cell population kinetics in the colon of the mouse, J. Clin. Invest., 41, 141—146.
L i p k i n M., Quastler H., Studies of protein metabolism in intestinal epithelial cells, J. Clin. Invest., 41, 646—653.
L i p k i n M., Quastler H., Cell retention and incidence of carcinoma in several portions of the gastrointestinal tract, Na­ture, 194, 1198—1199.
McCarter J. A., Quastler H., Note on the effect of a carcinogenic hydrocarbon on the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 55, 552—553.
McCarter J. A., Quastler H., Effect of dimethylbenzan- thracene on the cellular proliferation cycle, Nature, 194, 873—874.
Q u a s 11 e r H„ Hampton J. C., Effects of ionizing radiation on the fine structure and function of the intestinal epithelium of the mouse. I. Villus Epithelium, Radiation Res., 17, 914—931. Q u a s 11 e r H., Z uba y G., An RNA-protein code based on replacement data. 11. Adjustment and extension, J. Theoret. Biol., 3, 496—502.
Stein O. L., Quastler H., The effect of tritiated thymidine on the morphogenesis of lateral roots. In: Tritium in the Phy­sical and Biological Sciences, 2, 149—153, Intern. Atomic Energy Assiic., Vienna.
W u 1 f f V. J., Quastler H., Sherman F. G., An hypothesis concerning RNA metabolism and aging, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S., 48, 1373—1375.
Z u b a y G., Quastler H., An PNA-protein code based on replacement data, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S., 48, 461—471.
1963 Lamerton L. F., Lord B. 1., Q u a s 11 e r H., Studies of cell population kinetics in normal and continuously irradiated ani­mals. In: Radioakfive Isotope in Klinik und Forschung (K. Fel- linger and R. Hôfer, eds.), 5, 493—501, Urban and Schwarzen- berg, Munich arid Berlin.
L i p k i n M., Quastler H., M u g g i a F., Protein synthesis jn. the irradiated intestine of the mouse, Radiation Res., 19, .277—285.
LoBue J., Dornfest B. S., Gordon A. S., Hurst J., Quastler H., Marrow distribution in rat femurs determined by cell enumeration and Fe59 labeling, Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 112, 1058—1062.
Patt H. M., Quas.tler H., Radiation effects on cell renewal .and related systems, Physiol. Rev., 43, 357—396.
Quastler H., Chemical communication systems in the cell, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 25, 382—395.
Quastler H., The analysis of cell population kinetics. In: Cell Proliferation, A Guinness Symposium (L. F. Lamerton and R. J. M. Fry, eds.), pp. 18—36, Blackwell, Oxford.
.Quastler H., Effects of irradiation on intestinal mucosal cell population, Federation Proc., 22 (Pt. I), 1330—1333. 'Quastler H„ Effects of irradiation on synthesis and loss of • DNA. In: Chemical and Biological Actions of Radiation (M. Haissinsky, ed.), pp. 149—185, Masson, Paris.
Stein O. L., Quastler H., The use of tritiated thymidine in the study of tissue activation during germination in Zea mays. Am. J. Botany, 50, 1006—1011.
W i m b e r D. E., Quastler H., A UC- and 3H-thymidine double labeling technique in the study of cell proliferation in Tradescantia root tips, Exptl. Cell Res., 30, 8—22.
1964 Quastler H., General principles of systems analysis. In: Theoretical and Mathematical Biology (T. H. Waterman and H, J, Morowitz, eds.), Blaisdell, New York'(in press).