
  Глава 3
  1. Frequently Asked Questions. Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute, 2004. Accessible at: http://www. cwu.edu/~cwuchci/faq.html.
  2. Derek E. Wildman et al. Implications of Natural Selection in Shaping 99.4 % Nonsynonymous DNA Identity Between Humans and Chimpanzees: Enlarging Genus Homo. Article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, May 19, 2003 (№ 2172) USA.
  3. Там же.
  4. James Q. Jacobs. A Comparison of Some Similar Chimpanzee and Human Behaviors. Paleoanthropology in the 1990’s. 2000. Accessible at: www.jqjacobs.net.
  5. Chimpanzees. World Wildlife Fund. Washington, DC. 2005. Accessible at: http://intothewild.tripod.com/chim- panzees.html.
  6. Louis R. Sibal and Kurt J. Samson. Nonhuman Primates: A Critical Role in Current Disease Research. ILAR Journal V42 (2) 2001. Accessible at: http://dels.nas.edu/ ilar/jour_online/42_2/nhprole.asp.
  7. Там же.
  8. Frequently Asked Questions. Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute, 2004. Accessible at: http://www. cwu.edu/~cwuchci/faq.html.

  1. Nancy Lou Conklin-Brittain, Richard W. Wrangham, Catherine C. Smith. Relating Chimpanzee Diets to Potential Australopithecus Diets. Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 1998. Accessible at: www. Cast.uark.edu/local/icaes/conferences/wburg/posters/ nconklin/conklin.html.
  2. Jane Goodall. The Chimpanzees of Gombe. Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 1986.
  3. Nancy Lou Conklin-Brittain, Richard W. Wrangham, Catherine C. Smith. Relating Chimpanzee Diets to Potential Australopithecus Diets. Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 1998. Accessible at: www.cast.uark.edu/local/icaes/conferences/ wburg/post- ers/nconklin/conklin.html.

Глава 4
  1. Weston A. Price, D. D. S. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. California: The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, Inc. 2003. 6th Edition.
  2. Там же.

Глава 5
  1. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2005. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 18. Accessible at: http:// www. nal.usda.gov.

Глава 6
  1. Herbert M. Shelton. Dr. Shelton’s Hygienic Review. Pomeroy: Health Research, 1996.
  2. Dietary Reference Intakes for Males, aged 19-30. National Research Council, Protein and Amino Acids, in Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th Edition (1989); USDA SR17.

Глава 7
  1. Nancy Lou Conklin-Brittain, Richard W. Wrangham, Catherine C. Smith. Relating Chimpanzee Diets to Potential Australopithecus Diets. Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 1998.
  2. Data from Average Adult Male, Age 19-31, Weight 170 lbs. Source: National Research Council, Protein and Amino Acids, in Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th edition (1989); USDA SR17.
  3. W.A. Walker, K. J. Isselbacher. Uptake and transport of macro-molecules by the intestine. Possible role in clinical disorders. Gastroenterology: 67:531-50, 1974.
  4. Julia Ross, M.A. The Diet Cure. New York: Penguin Books. 1999.
  5. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2005. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 18.
  6. Colin T. Campbell, Ph. D. The China Study. Texas: Benbella Books. 2004.

Глава 8
  1. Jensen Bernard, D. C, Ph. D. Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, Escondido, CA: Bernard Jensen Publishing, 1981.
  2. Deepak Chopra. Perfect Health: the Complete Mind Body Guide. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2000.
  3. Nancy Lou Conklin-Brittain, Richard W. Wrangham, Catherine C. Smith. Relating Chimpanzee Diets to Potential Australopithecus Diets. Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 1998.
  4. Albert Mosseri. Le Jeune, Meilleur. Remede de la Nature. France: Aquarius, 1993.
  5. American Heart Association. Fiber. Accessible at: www.americanheart.org.
  6. Alan M. Tooshi, Ph. D. Tooshi’s High Fiber Diet. Nebraska: iUniverse.com, Inc. 2001.
  7. Myron Winick, M. D. The Fiber Prescription. New York: Ballantine Books. 1992.
  8. American Heart Association, 2004. Accessible at: www.americanheart.org.

Глава 9
  1. Bernard Jensen, D. C., Ph. D. The Healing Power of Chlorophyll. Escondido, CA: Bernard Jensen Publishing, 1981.

Глава 10
  1. Elson M. Haas, M. D. Staying Healthy With Nutrition. California: Celestial Arts, 1992.
  2. Nancy Lou Conklin-Brittain, Richard W. Wrangham, Catherine C. Smith. Relating Chimpanzee Diets to Potential Australopithecus Diets. Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 1998. Accessible at: www.cast.uark.edu/local/icaes/conferences/ wburg/post- ers/nconklin/conklin.html.
  3. L. Stiteler, O. M. D., N. M. D., D. A Closer Look at Hypochlorhydria. Stephen, Hom. California: The Institute of Bioterrain sciences, 2003. Accessible at: http://www. Csupomona.edu/%7Esteven/articles/hypochlorhydria- Stiteler.html.
  4. Theodore A. Baroody. Alkalize or Die. North Carolina: Eclectic Press. 1991.
  5. Там же.

Глава 12
  1. The Associated Press. Cancer now the top killer of Americans. USA Today, January 20, 2005.
  2. Otto Warburg. The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer. 2d. rev. edition (1969) 16 pages. Lecture delivered to Nobel Laureates on June 30, 1966 at Lindau, Lake Constance, Germany. English Edition by Dean Burk National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Accessible at: http://www.mmfnd.org/NL/ONN/WS/ ozon005.html.

Глава 13
  1. Peter Tompkins, Christopher Bird. The Secret Life of Plants. New York: Harper amp; Row, Publishers. 1989. First Perennial Library Edition.
  2. Peter Tompkins, Christopher Bird. Secrets of the Soil. Anchorage, Alaska: Earthpulse Press Inc. 2002.
  3. Peter Tompkins, Christopher Bird. The Secret Life of Plants. New York: Harper amp; Row, Publishers. 1989. First Perennial Library Edition.
  4. Vyapaka Dasa. It Ain’t Just Dirt! Canada, 2005. Accessible at: http://www.hkrl.com/soils.html.
  5. Gary Farr, Dr. Comparing Organic Versus Commercially Grown Foods, Rutgers University Study, New Brunswick, NJ, 2002.
  6. Peter Tompkins, Christopher Bird. Secrets of the Soil. Anchorage, Alaska: Earthpulse Press Inc. 2002.
  7. Louis Kervran. Biological Transmutations. London: Crosby Lockwood, 1972.
  8. Peter Tompkins, Christopher Bird. The Secret Life of Plants. New York: Harper amp; Row, Publishers. 1989.
  9. Там же.
  10. П.А. Корольков. Спонтанный метаморфизм минералов и горных пород // Вопросы превращений в природе. Концентрация и рассеяние. Ереван: Айастан, 1971.

Глава 14
  1. Chlorophyllin Reduces Aflatoxin Indicators Among People At High Risk For Liver Cancer. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, MD. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. November 27, 2001.
  2. S. Chernomorsky et al. Effect of Dietary Chlorophyll Derivatives on Mutagenesis. Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis, 79:313-322, 1999.
  3. M. Vlad et al. Effect of Cuprofilin on Experimental Atherosclerosis. Romania: Institute of Public Health and Medical Research, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoka, 1995.

Глава 15
  1. Jane Goodall. The Chimpanzees of Gombe. Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 1986.

Глава 16
  1. Ronald Ruimerman. Modeling and remodeling in bone tissue. Eindohoven. University Press Facilities. 2005.
  2. Daniel Sartin. Osteoporosis: Why Prevention is the Best Cure. Touching Lives: Action Medical Research. Winter 2003/4.
  3. Weston A. Price, D. D. S. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. California: The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, Inc. 2003. 6th Edition.

Глава 17
  1. Van Orden, Dr. Flora. Conversations with Dr. Flora. Florida: TheRawDiet.com. 2005.


Источник: Бутенко Виктория., «Зелень для жизни  » 2010

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